Forces, Work, and Simple Machines Print
Thursday, 05 January 2012 12:56

Simple machines have been helping us work since before we could write.  They help us move things more easily and achieve more that we could without them.  They help us lift boulders, pry things apart, stack them together, transport objects and ourselves.

In order to understand a few of these simple machines and how they work we'll use some basic math and physics (introduced as we need it).

My hope is that once you know what these simple machines are, and how they work, you'll be able to see them at work in the world around you and put them to work for yourself.  I also hope that once you see how easy it is, you'll start to apply the same principles we use to understand these simple machines to other machines and even more complicated and subtle systems.

Web Page (soon)

Last Updated on Monday, 23 January 2012 01:24